Archive for the ‘All and Sundry’ category

Terrorist mice

December 20, 2008

Kamikaze terrorist mice launch attack!

Mice may be responsible for a blaze that killed nearly 100 cats at an animal shelter near the Canadian city of Toronto, officials say

Looks like Jerry wins again.


November 28, 2008

Karl Rove finds Barack Obama’s choice of economic advisers “reassuring”.

Now that’s worrying.

Business is booming!

November 26, 2008

For Focus Ireland, anyway.

The homeless charity reports a 13% increase in demand for its services.

…this year we have already supported over 6,000 people. This shows a sharp rise in demand for our services of 13 per cent (over 700 people) which is made up of people who are homeless and others at serious risk of becoming homeless.

After a decade of the Celtic Tiger…

Begging the question

November 25, 2008

I see our dynamic Justice Minister is cracking down on organised crime.

According to Ahern:

“There are various reasons why the law on begging needs to be reformed, not least the fact that some vulnerable members of the public are often fearful when approached on the streets by individuals.”

Does that include individuals looking for a dig-out?

Mary Harney slims down!

November 25, 2008

Slims down the HSE, that is.

Pity she didn’t do it years ago.  We might have a half-way efficient health service.  AND we might be able to afford the cervical cancer vaccine.

Incidentally, I haven’t heard any comment from Mary regarding the growing problem of child obesity.  I wonder why not?

Bertie – the movie

November 13, 2008

Have to admit I haven’t watched this.

To be honest, when it comes to TV series about money-grubbing little chancers, I reckon a box-set of Only Fools and Horses is the way to go.  Del-boy is a much more likeable character and the plot lines are far more believable.

It’s official!

March 21, 2008

Brian Lenihan is a muppet.

Okay, Mr Justice John Edwards actually said that the grounds for his ruling were the inadequacy of reasons given, irrationality and the perceived arbitrariness of the process.

But that’s just legal jargon for, “Brian Lenihan is a muppet”.

Absent on ‘Day One’

March 20, 2008


In her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination Hillary Clinton has touted her experience in the White House as preparation to lead in a time of crisis. “Ready on Day One,” has been her slogan.

But an initial reading of some of the more than 11,000 pages of Clinton’s schedules from her days as first lady, released yesterday by the National Archives and the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library, shows that often she was far from the site of decision making during some of the most pivotal events of Bill Clinton’s presidency.

Presumably including events involving Monica Lewinsky…

Apparently we still believe in God

March 20, 2008

According to this story in The Examiner, anyway.  We just don’t act like we do.

Me? I believe in Santa.

Hell’s Grannies are at it again

March 20, 2008

And Hell’s Grandads will join them – just as soon as they’ve had a nap.